By Michael J. Smith on Monday October 9, 2006 07:18 PM
Maybe I'm just too elated by the North Korean nuclear
test, but this item really put me over the top:
The insurgents, having learned from earlier fights with the Marines, were no longer fighting in the streets. Instead, they waited inside homes, ready to spray bullets as Marines pushed through a door or entryway.This is why the day of the empires is over, my friends.Some had injected themselves with lidocaine, Novocain or adrenaline, allowing them to fight even after receiving mortal wounds, a spectacle the Marines called the "Night of the Living Dead."
Comments (1)
While our troops are loaded on antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs to keep them on their third tour/on the front lines/from committing suicide in a 123F dust bowl. What an incredible mix. Even in Vietnam, the lifers weren't strung out on Prozac. We really do need some draftees. Can you imagine if we had some strung out pissed off fraggers in this mix with some "Hannibal Lectors" talking them into swallowing their own tongues. Elect the War Goddess, she will deliver.
Posted by Jesus Reyes | October 9, 2006 8:19 PM
Posted on October 9, 2006 20:19