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Second verse, just like the first

By Michael J. Smith on Monday October 23, 2006 03:00 PM

Alan Smithee writes:

Researching local reaction to George Pal's 1953 War of the Worlds release I ran across a small example of the nothing-ever-changes sort. From the "In The Magazines" column of the Monday, Oct 19th, 1953 Minneapolis Morning Tribune:

Democrats Assailed for 'Me Too' Tactics

by Hjalmar Bjornson
of the Minneapolis Tribune editorial page staff.

INSTEAD OF FULFILLING their job as "a responsible, creative opposition" as a real "out" party should, Lewis A. Dexter in the Reporter charges, Democratic leaders are playing "me too" to the Eisenhower administration. After 20 years in power "Democratic leaders still seem to be trying to act like responsible statesmen." but Dexter fears that if this attitude continues, the two-party system is endangered.

Opposition is the obligation of the "outs" and responsible statesmenship that of the "ins." Defending Mr. Eisenhower, Dexter asserts, is not the Democrats' business.

As one of my nieces might say: "As if!"

Comments (1)

Well now, you see. Here we are 50+ years later and we still have two parties. Don't we?

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