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The sky is falling, as usual

By Michael J. Smith on Friday October 27, 2006 04:31 PM

This just landed in my mailbox, from The Nation:
At issue in the coming election, Jonathan Schell writes in The Nation magazine's cover story this week, is nothing less than the future of our constitutional government, which the President and his party have put in serious jeopardy. http://lists.thenation.com/t?ctl=6DF0:6E467
This earnest, breathless, civics-class stuff, from supposed Lefties, about the Constitution, utterly baffles me. What do these people think the Constitution is for, if not to produce and reproduce precisely what we now confront?

Comments (3)


I've realized that I have no real emotional connection to this election at all. I'm not planning on voting, and I really don't believe that the winner will make a difference. (not SAYING I don't believe, I actually genuinely feel it.

The only race I have much interest in is the Connecticut one because, as I've stated, I think a Lieberman victory will show the prog-blogs just how bankrupt the Democrats are, when they re-embrace him with open arms.


The Nation has been pro-Democratic Party since the 2000 election, but in the past two years, it's become the print version of Daily Kos without the casual profanity.

There have been 109 articles about the Democratic Party since the Dim Son won his second term, and ZERO about the Green Party.

They won't even talk about Greens who have no chance of "spoiling", like our Senate candidates in CA, NY, MN, UT, CT, WA, WI, or FL, or Rich Whitney, who has an honest-to-God chance of winning if the nose-holders would vote their conscience.

About all the value left to The Nation is stirring up the faux-liberal democrat zombies that post to it's blog. Otherwise, as a magazine, it makes a pretty fair fly swatter.

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