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Worth a thousand words

By Michael J. Smith on Wednesday November 29, 2006 01:32 PM

New cartoons by Mike Flugennock. Sample (much reduced in scale):

Mike writes:

Once again the Democratic Party has pandered crassly to "progressive" voters and once again the "Pwogwessives" have fallen for the scam. Like Charlie Brown attempting to kick Lucy's daintily-held football, Amerika's Pwogwessive voters came charging up, expecting to slam it clear into next week, but instead found themselves kicking air and landing on their asses. On "Meet The Press" one Sunday last May, Congressional Stepford Wife Nancy Pelosi declared that there'd be a "New Day" when the Democrats take control of Congress. Let's see what wonderful surprises they have in store for us on five important issues...
Available at http://www.sinkers.org/posters/newday

Comments (6)

As usual with spineless pwoggies, Matt doesn't offer anything more than the tired: "Lets all hope really really hard that the democrats will suddenly become the party of virtue and light." sort of magical thinking that all pwoggie pundit wannabes offer in lieu of a real solution. Really, he should write for La Nation.

Whups! The above was meant for the "Feinstein vs. the American intifada." thread. Mea Robert Culpa and all that.

j s paine:

nice nasty
mike ..... you monster

Jesus Reyes:

I just met Democratic Congressman Chris Carney (PA) via Hardball. I looked him up and found a James Risen article.

"....The sudden rise of Chris Carney, prewar Pentagon intelligence analyst turned newly minted Democratic congressman, has a remarkable quality about it.

In early 2002, Carney, a naval reserve officer, was assigned to work in a tiny intelligence unit created by Douglas Feith, then under secretary of defense for policy, to search for links between terrorist groups and possible state-sponsors, most notably Iraq. After the invasion, the Feith unit, named the Policy Counterterrorism Evaluation Group, was caught up in the debate over the Bush administration's handling of prewar intelligence, and the office was investigated by a Senate committee and an independent presidential commission...."


Oh, Smithee. Like it matters which thread it ends up in. So many wankers to be disaffected with. So little time...

js paine:

jesus :

war mules mommy dearests
and now failed spooks

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