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By Michael J. Smith on Thursday December 7, 2006 10:07 AM

J Alva Scruggs writes:
Matt Stoller runs down a list of excellent reasons why a small "d" democrat and a gate-crashing, netroots, big swinging "D" Democrat would never want an Obama candidacy. Then he concludes that he'll support him.


I can't read this stuff without feeling a need to start gesticulating wildly and screaming, "of course! Of course that's why we'll support him! It's the antithetical, stupid!".

Comments (2)


My mother's side of the family has a story about how our ancestors were in the patrol that shot and mortally wounded great Confederate general Stonewall Jackson. Since Jackson was killed by friendly fire, at first glance, this appears to be something a bit odd to take pride in. I also did a bit of research and discovered that the patrol wasn't even from the same part of the South as my family. So why the family legend? I think it's because my family are good white liberals, with vague senses of guilt over their participation on the side of the "bad guys." This story assuages their guilt, if they actually worked against the Confederacy!

The mainstream, top-down media/political types who are so keen on getting Obama to run are constructing a similar myth. They were wrong about the war. 100%, totally wrong. Nonconsciously, they realize this; they realize they played the part of the bad guys. But they can't admit it directly, it would strike at Who They Are. So they provide "centrist"(top-down) support for an Obama candidacy, because his opposition to the war, from the start, could cleanse them of their guilt without them having to change their ways.

js paine:

objectively working
against the success of the occ:

using your criterion rowan

bush is guiltless

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