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Dressing Hillary, part deux

By Michael J. Smith on Monday January 22, 2007 12:00 AM

Mike F, obsessed as who is not with Hillary's wardrobe, writes:
lately, I've found myself subscribing to what I call the Grateful Dead School Of Political Analysis. It seems lately that between "Uncle John's Band", "U.S. Blues", "Ship Of Fools" and "Casey Jones", my core social/cultural/political values are pretty much covered:

Trouble ahead, boys, lady in red!
Take my advice, you'd be better off dead!
Switchman's sleepin', train's a hundred'n'two,
on the wrong track and headed for you!"

Comments (5)


She's got more fillings than I do. Can't trust a woman who can't brush her teeth.

That's the single most frightening thing I've seen in years.

js paine:

rowan that's no "filling"

thats an implant

from the ...
tel aviv mon amour club???


Her fillings match her pupils, the soul's very mirror: toxic mercury.

But lo. Is that a second set of Alien-style jaws in rear?

js paine:

reechard great

jaws within jaws

like keeping two sets of accounts...

one for the public
one for the pirates

now thats the quencheroo maximo
for a power hungry .....cross dresser
like mother C

all the better to bite you my dear

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on Monday January 22, 2007 12:00 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Who's dressing Hillary: part one.

The next post in this blog is In the rough.

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