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Every man has his price

By Owen Paine on Wednesday January 10, 2007 10:40 PM

I'm feeling magnanimous today, so here's a deal:

Dump Lieberman for his lunatic war hawkery -- go ahead, give the senate back to the Repubs, just for the satisfying sake of flushing that little turd -- and I'll support your prez candidate in '08 (as long as it's not Ma Clinton).

I may have my price, but I also have my pride.

Comments (4)

So, you're down with supporting Biden? Or, worse yet, Obama? J.S., I'm shocked! Shocked, I am!

BTW, ever notice how Lieberman looks suspiciously like Teller from the Penn & Teller act? I'm just sayin'...

Too bad he isn't as quiet as Teller.

What's that line from Star Wars?

“Strike me down, and I shall rise up a thousand times more powerful?”

If they dump Holy Joe, someone worse would spring up in his place—or some “moderate” will have a Saul-on-the-road-to-Damascus conversion about getting tough in the GWOT. Forget it.

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