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Trollery drollery

By Michael J. Smith on Thursday January 25, 2007 12:12 PM

Every so often I get an unconquerable urge to go trolling over on Daily Kos, and I keep a few sleeper accounts handy for the purpose. Yesterday's post about John Edwards as rent-boy for the Israel lobby seemed like a good opportunity, so I cross-posted it, slightly edited, on Kos under the admittedly provocative user name 'hamaschick'.

It was up for about an hour and a half late last night, and accumulated sixty-odd comments before 'hunter', that unsleeping Dzerzhinsky of the netroots, dropped the hammer. I saved it here, though, along with all the comments.

As usual, the pathos of the experience was the number of people who apparently know better but still can't tear themselves away from this maelstrom of futility. My post contained a poll:


Just how disgusting is [Edwards' performance for the Israelis]?

Not at all -- I agree 100% 6% -- 4 votes
Hey, be realistic. Cut the guy some slack 20% -- 12 votes
Mildly disgusting, but I'd still vote for him if he was the nominee 6% -- 4 votes
Intensely disgusting -- I almost barfed -- but I'd still vote for him if he was the nominee 20% -- 12 votes
I actually did barf, but I'd still vote for him if, etc. 6% -- 4 votes
Enough is enough. I've had it. 40% -- 24 votes
60 votes

A majority acknowledged nausea; 2/5 said they'd "had it." On a more depressing note, there was a lot of fatuous huffing and puffing over my pseudonym. No sense of humor, these people.

JSP some time ago noted that fifteen minutes trolling Kos is probably time well spent, since it makes the Kosserei burn up untold democrat-hours berating you, speculating about your troll status, pulling accounts, blocking IP addresses, etc. -- time they could be spending trying to elect Democrats. Better they do almost anything than that. (The other thing they do is elaborate an esoteric argot -- what does "to freep" mean? Or "to fisk"? This is at least creative, in a modest way.)

I was, of course, delighted that it was 'hunter' himself who liquidated the martyr hamaschick. It's always funny when you meet in the 3-D world people you formerly knew only online. Before I went to Daily Kos last year, I had a mental image of 'hunter' that owed a lot to Tab Hunter:

Alas, the reality is quite different. 'Hunter' is a slumping, suety, lank-haired, pasty-faced chap who appears to be on the brink of middle age, with a peevish, disgruntled expression and a querulous, chronically exasperated tone of voice -- at least when I saw him. This image, taken by one of the faithful, is rather flattering, I'm sorry to say:

Comments (13)


Well, fisk (v.) originated with warbloggers and their ancient obsession with "debunking," line-by-line, everything Robert Fisk has ever said. As far as I know.

Libloggers probably adopted it because they think Fisk is a nasty anti-Semitic enemy of freedom, too.

Freeping has something to do with famed right-wing site Free Republic.

Was there any actual justification of the deletion of your post? I mean, it seems like there was substantial agreement with it amongst the Kosniks. Was it just because Hunter disagreed with the post? I mean, that'd be in line with well-loved Kosian tradition.


I approve highly of that "Roughing the candidate" flag. It fits in perfectly with the Kosnik concept of politics as sports, and the Democrats as their team.

That "College Kossack" guy, too, reminded me of the tsar's Cossacks. Can we get him in a recreation of the stairs of Odessa? All revolutionaries must me destroyed!

owen paine:

father smiff
they sense your power...and they fear it

owen paine:

reading kos comments
is harrowing for me
its very personal
i lack our Father's
assured sense of a place
in the next life

i think this is what would confront me
if the chips were down
checking the names the prosecutors were only three or four regulars all making multiple posts
of a sort of dart in dart out stab style
ritual blows no doubt

its seriously interesting the stuff reads like chat booth stuff

i think its not comments
so much as a panel discussion
oh if i had but time enough
to see how many of these troll hunters
they have

perhaps bro paine was wrong
and it takes only a few
a stout stalwart ever ready few
not the actions of the whole village
to keep the trolls out

why does my gut say
they must be loosing readership by now
curiosity swing thrus may be up

but trog dog fights are clearly down
as these folks seem to say
the trolls no longer stand and fight

which makes sense if you get zapped faster and faster by

the hunter

royal paine:

father smiff
don't he look like a guy
who coulda gone to our
alma mater : mangrove tech ????


Royal -- He does, I fear. The difference is, that he would go to the reunions, and we don't.


Djur -- I think the basis for removing the post, and the account, and all memory of it except a few ghostly echoes in comment search, was that it was written by a person who wasn't on board with the site's program -- which is, to elect Democrats.

They're really quite admirably open and explicit about this, and I don't in the least object to them policing their own reservation, any more than you can object when your neighbor shows a fondness for garden gnomes.

At the same time, I do love stirring 'em up, as Richard Nixon once memorably said, and I figure that too is part of the game.


Reminds me a little of having a pizza delivered the other night... not the delivery guy mind you (I've too much respect for the service sector working class for that!), but the lukewarm pepperoni, the congealed mozzarella, the little pools of grease.


Michael, your hamaschick link seems to be dead now.

Would you mind reposting it, because I would love to see it.


Um, yeah. That was odd. Both links work for me now too. But thanks anyway.


"Djur -- I think the basis for removing the post, and the account, and all memory of it except a few ghostly echoes in comment search, was that it was written by a person who wasn't on board with the site's program -- which is, to elect Democrats.

They're really quite admirably open and explicit about this, and I don't in the least object to them policing their own reservation, any more than you can object when your neighbor shows a fondness for garden gnomes."

I agree, Kos deserves points for honesty. I wish that we could say the same for The Nation.


Maybe Hamaschick doesn't appreciate that the candidates are on a learning curve too. In two years, he will have realized that advocating nuking Iran was a mistake, although we will definitely have to take some sort of action against Syria by then.

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Note also that comments with three or more links may be held for "moderation" -- a strange term to apply to the ghost in this blog's machine. Seems to be a hard-coded limitation of the blog software, unfortunately.


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