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Personnel change

By Michael J. Smith on Thursday January 25, 2007 04:56 PM

I announce with the greatest regret that my esteemed colleague JS Paine, due to the press of business at his day job, is relinquishing his duties here at Stop Me. We will all miss him greatly.

On the bright side, JS's younger (and according to JS himself, "much brighter") brother Owen Paine will be carrying on the proud Paine tradition in these pages.

A fond farewell, then, to good old JS, and a hearty welcome to young Owen.

Comments (7)

Brian Miller:

Ah, 'tis a sad day indeed. I'll look forward to words of wisdom-and poetry-from Owen.


uhh, congratulations? I'd be more effusive if I wasn't confused by the 30 new JSPs to appear in the last couple of days.

royal paine:

mr R:

owen has been ghost writing
the paine posts
and comments other then mine
since the first of the year

i'm not allowed to post
doctor's orders
its bad for my torso

call owen
raul paine if you must

but there is a third brother ...me
though for 18 years
my thoughts have been deemed
gratuitous at best
by both my brothers

like richard III
i'm sway backed


Rowan -- I have known the Paine tribe intimately for many years. They're quite individual, but at the same time they have a strong family resemblance. They're very quarrelsome and touchy, and sometimes cousins will go for years without speaking to each other -- then fall unexpectedly into a boozy, lachrymose embrace. It's the Welsh blood, I think.

I'm confused, yet delighted. And sad. Or something.

Who the fuck are you guys? What are you doing? Where do I sign up? Where do I get my uniform?

Please no more regime changes while I'm out of town. And no more hitting the sauce before 5 PM Eastern Time, either.

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Note also that comments with three or more links may be held for "moderation" -- a strange term to apply to the ghost in this blog's machine. Seems to be a hard-coded limitation of the blog software, unfortunately.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on Thursday January 25, 2007 04:56 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Extinct volcano.

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