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First the bad news, then... more bad news

By Owen Paine on Tuesday March 27, 2007 10:22 AM

The Progdems of Am's Tim Carpenter has a cheery/bleak post mortem on the donk house bill extending the now jointly owned Iraq occupation:


Tim is of several minds on this:

The bad news is that the House bill funds Bush's troop surge and won't bring our troops home until a Sept 1, 2008 'deadline' with provisions allowing troops to stay in Iraq beyond that on vaguely-defined 'training' or 'anti-terrorism' missions....

More bad news is the disunity stirred up among antiwar progressives in Congress by the House leadership's arm-twisting and the intervention of MoveOn.org in support of the leadership's arm-twisting....

But on the other hand....
... [T]here is great news! While many antiwar Congress members shared with us their bruises and frustrations over Friday's vote, they remain more committed than ever to get a debate on fully-funded unconditional troop withdrawal from Iraq within a year.... The House supplemental has a porous 18-month deadline; Out-of-Iraqers will work toward a tighter, firmer deadline....
Great news? You gotta love this jabberwock -- the eternal quest for a tighter, firmer, more satisfying "time line".

But there are masterpieces in this field from time to time. Note this hard-biting ewe:

fully-funded unconditional troop withdrawal....
I nominate that one for direct induction into the rough tough cream puff Hall of Fame.

Comments (3)

"Tighter, firmer..."

So it's going to morph into an official Why Mommy Is A Democrat Guide To Exercise And Weight Loss. Somebody get, Oprah and Dr. Phil on the phone. Or maybe Jane Fonda... ??

What's the difference between a pwogwessive and a mushroom?

Why, nothing at all.

Mushrooms are great with pasta. I couldn't keep my pasta down were it served in the presence of the Pwog Bwigade. An important distinction there.

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