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Who cares about this runt?

By Owen Paine on Monday March 26, 2007 10:23 AM

The chewing of Speedy Gonzo has all the earmarks of a staged congo vs. White House grapple. Bush has had a final sacrifice in mind from day one on this. Speedy will go, but not until both teams squeeze all the pips out of it.

Job one for both sides: make it look like a balance-of-power, divided-gubmint set-to, a hard-nosed and hard-fought steel cage match won by the baby-face Dems.

The goal, of course, is to provide the Quislings of big-ear city the proper duck and cover. Surely it will smooth the donk public swallowing of Bushco's war funding, if the Congo leadership can hold up the severed head of a full-bore Secretary of Torture.

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