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They suffer for our sins

By Owen Paine on Friday December 7, 2007 01:45 PM

Father Smiff on the class of process servers:
"You will find (them) ... firmly planted in existing institutions -- the voting booth, the two-party system, the electoral college, oh and don't forget... the Supreme Court. "
... And why not? Thanks to our intricate contradictory institutional pluralism, The System's most refined subsystems reward them and their merits both materially and morally, even as the larger, coarser subsystems dupe, cheat, and rope-a-dope the miserable majority with a pander's inner glee.

Yes the binge politics of the biz wiz ogres in the end martyrs the meritoids politically. But... ah, to be righteous, and to act righteous, to work hard and think smart, and in the last scene, die in Nixon's arena out there in front of the assembled soul-curdled multitude, peppered with their "et tu Brute" poisoned shafts!

What's not to like -- the System works.

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