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Score one for Dr van Helsing

By Owen Paine on Monday January 7, 2008 11:22 AM

(Editor's note: This post temporarily lost in the editor's own personal Bermuda Triangle. Sorry, Owen.)

At least the new year brings good tidings to the Bay Area: the poor pwoggie people of the left coast's commanding heights won't have Tom Lantos to kick them around anymore.

Comments (7)

Yet, the vampiress stalks us still, sniffing for that well-stored cigar of the previous triangulating sub-carnation. Welfare has yet to be truly reformed in the manner of Kevorkian; paying for managed care is still OPTIONAL; Shahtown lives under its delusions; necks remain to be bitten.



the clinton thang like most dembot riffs
is a new deal topsey turvey

like the last man on earth
in a world of zombies
these few dlc dembots
are now the monsters

st hill as the false-identity drag pol
par ecellence
is of course a natural leader
of the stake baring avenger-redemmer
of the old school boomer wing
of the pale facers

killing off the new breeds of
high hopers in mocha
beings like her but different
in their je ne say quack

her and her fellow elder ilks
have a hidden divine mission....
from hope
for hope

as the stale on stale saying went a couple yeras ago
"done there been that "

technical term :

if she is out and about
not to restore
a lost civilization of
woodstock sunny day
naked merit
at least she might now destroy
any chance for a false dawn


else where in reality :

the american
" workers" march back
to semi sublatorship

their vanguard draws ever nearer

on the ground
even as itheir wraith-horde
like a gaale of
only seem
loom ever further off

clio likes to play
tricks of distance


perils of the young lantos

"Lantos was just 16 when the Nazis rolled into the Hungarian capital in 1944."

" He twice escaped from a labor camp and eventually made it to a safe house run by the Swedish humanitarian Raoul Wallenberg."

" He credits his blue eyes
and blond hair with helping him avoid detection."

in his own words:

"It is only in the United States that a penniless survivor of the Holocaust and a fighter in the anti-Nazi underground could have received an education, raised a family and had the privilege of serving the last three decades of his life as a member of Congress,"

"I will never be able to express fully my profoundly felt gratitude
to this great country "

" a fighter in the anti-Nazi underground "


"A follow-up biopsy revealed that he had cancer of the esophagus, the tube that carries food and liquids between the mouth and stomach"

this grim emblematic fate
for the great humanitarian
has a hawthorn-ish cast to it


"On Capitol Hill, colleagues from both sides of the aisle said they will miss Lantos' deep voice and sharp Hungarian accent, his courtly demeanor ....."

"...and his masterful storytelling abilities "

his favorite subject :

the further adventures of
tom lantos esquire

I bet they won't miss that uniformed Hungarian guard he parades around with where ever he goes.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on Monday January 7, 2008 11:22 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Obama Caesar on the legions' missions.

The next post in this blog is There be land rats, and water rats, water thieves, and land thieves.

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