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There be land rats, and water rats, water thieves, and land thieves

By Owen Paine on Friday January 11, 2008 10:09 PM


Credit card debt is on the move -- up. Recall that usury destroyed the Roman republic. Oh, and recall this: the limited liability corporations have a de facto social contract with us ... their hired class: "we'll lend you what we won't pay you."

Shylock wants you!

Comments (2)


That's a lesson no one taught me... how'd the usurers do that? I always thought it was Caesar, and maybe the example of Sulla.


the money mad usurers
sucked the plebs dry and the old senattorial pats dry too

the pleb farmers
sons of cincinatus
were made proles
as their foreclosed "farms"
were consolidated
for slave
powered latafundia

and while the mob herders
bayed for their blood and treasure
the desicated old patricians
that survived the proscriptions
friends of the republic indeed
but hapless gloomigustuses all
lurking in sour idleness
in their
run down villas
just jacking off
to busts
of scipio oncehecametous
and cato the formers

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