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The Strangelovian hand...

By Michael J. Smith on Tuesday February 5, 2008 03:37 PM

... is feeling a mighty pull toward the voting booth today. I'm thinking of going and casting a perverse strategic vote for Hillary, partly on the principle that she is the nominee most likely to lead the Democratic Party to defeat, and partly because this lemming-like Beatlemania for Obama is just excessively revolting. Somebody talk me out of it.

Comments (14)


Mr. President, we are rapidly approaching a moment of truth both for ourselves as human beings and for the life of our nation. Now, the truth is not always a pleasant thing, but it is necessary now make a choice, to choose between two admittedly regrettable, but nevertheless, distinguishable post-war environments: one where you got twenty million people killed, and the other where you got a hundred and fifty million people killed.


Yeah, I got to enjoy the guilty pleasure of voting for Hillary's delegates today... I live in Chicago.


i'm not saying we won't
get our hair mussssszzzzed


What I don't understand is why any of these people want the job. The next four years will be one large shit sandwich for the prez. By god they do want to eat that sandwich.

Ride the bomb, dude. This is nadir (not Nader) time, so party hearty! No conceivable differences are afoot. Show 'em you CAN'T believe in the change that dare not spell its name!

Meanwhile, f-mouse, why do you project actual consciousness and world-concern onto these D+R shit-pickles? Like the enterprising young maggot of toilet plunger legend -- hum it now: "Just what makes that little ole nit think he can budge that ball of old shit?" -- they know not for what they seek. They merely seek (and serve).

Wow, it's nice to know I'm not the only one these days who's starting to have a hard time deciding what annoys him worse -- the mindless arrogance and slavish adoration of the Hillaroids, or the 7th-grade-level Tiger Beat zaniness of the Obama Girls. (Y'know, I could've sworn I heard Joe Strummer say that phony Beatlemania had bitten the dust...)

Still in all, actually going out and pulling a lever/touching a screen/punching a chad for Hillary precisely because you know that nominating Hillary is the worst choice the Donkeycrats could make has got to be one of the most fiendishly clever things that a real Progressive who wants the DP out of the way could do. I mean, if you go into it with that understanding, and you go into it with the knowledge that it's all a sham, with your eyes wide open, then yeah; that could be a blast.

Staying home on "Election" Day on the oft-discussed-here general principles -- as I plan to do -- is certainly a proper choice, but deliberately pushing the Donkeycrats toward their doom in the form of voting for (spit) Hillary is just downright devilish.

Ride the bomb, indeed! Banzai!

(Damn, now where the hell's my little pack of pep pills, and my teeny-weeny Bible?)


"this lemming-like Beatlemania for Obama "

calm your self father S
as you well know
these episodes
of bobby socks frenzy
have a long history among white folks

peter the hermit comes to mind

they always end well

with a hideous slaughtering
of the innocent raw rubery
or at least the sudden collapse and vanishment
of their pillar of smoke of a moses
right smack dab
in the middle of some scorching fucking dessert

Tim D:

Speaking of the Beatles, I read today that the Maharishi died. If you'll remember, he was he one who got the Beatles to stop taking LSD and to embrace his Transcendental Meditation yoga. Eventually, the Beatles became disillusioned by the whole deal and started taking drugs again. I'd like to make some kind of tortured analogy/metaphor out of this, relating it to the Democrats and electoral politics, but I'm too lazy...

The answer was right there "on the tip of your tongue," Tim the Enchanter: even the stale old tune-out trick of lysergic diethylamide beats these mofos -- these gurus of of the screw-you -- every day, in every way.

P.S. Got a better Nader-mail today, talking of items the Duo-harishis have "removed from the table." Melikes much more!

Oh, the joy of living in OR, where it doesn't mean a damn thing who wins the primary. All that shit is already decided by the time we get there.

Well, let the squirrels chitter themselves senseless, as a wise man would have said. May it do them good.

Michael Hureaux:

I, too, plan on voting for Hillary in our local caucus, in full recogniton of the role she can play in waking everyone up to what the Democratic party has actually become.


Meanwhile, f-mouse, why do you project actual consciousness and world-concern onto these D+R shit-pickles?

Well is not so much projecting world concern, it's more a facination with the person who wants to wake up; take a look at the day's agenda; and, day after day, see the same item: '10AM - Eat Shit Sandwich, Oval Office' And they are spending two years convincing a bunch of people that they are best qualified to eat the sandwich.

Tim D:

On a whim, I stopped in over at Annie Leopold's Story of Stuff blog and saw a post about how a group of high school students made a somewhat mocking youtube video of her excellent Story of Stuff. The students apparently made the video not in response to the points made, but in response to the lack of concrete solutions. While Leopold's response on her blog is reasonable to a degree it skirts what is in my mind the fundamental issue - societal transformation through political transformation. A simple answer to the students would have been to support politicians and political parties that take unequivocating positions on these problems and offer serious solutions.

But of course, that would have been inappropriate...

But mousie, these freaks of nature-red-in-tooth-and-claw have evolved as creatures with eye lenses that make shit sammiches look like High Principles and Justice Dawning. Hence, the Oval Office remains the Oval Office to them, despite its long-ago(/original?) conversion to a Terlit Bole.

As the biologists say, the environment selects the critters. And, as Mister Siggie said, money and poop aren't so far apart as such vermins thinks they is.

Where you at in the 503/541, Ms. X?

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