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Lighting out for the Territory

By Owen Paine on Thursday March 20, 2008 07:06 PM

We run three long-term detention systems here in America.

The prison system, openly so called, as we all know is booming. But one of the other two is not cooking up much except its own books.

Seems our Dewey or don't-we school system is actually running much higher escape rates than previously acknowleged. Somewhere around 30% to 40% of inmates drop out of each cohort prior to serving their full 12 year stretch.

Bravo. Let's shoot for half free by 16.

And the third detention system? 'Ceptin vampires of course, it seems to be holding its own -- R.I.P. brothers and sisters.

Comments (2)

David D:

Well OP looks like things are on the up and up.
I call those fugitives: focused, driven and saturated with integrity. It's the anserw to illegals we've all been waiting for. Lets face it even if you can't read a tape measure, one comes out of junior high w/ sales and managment expirience. My paper boy is not only 42 years old boasting a 30 year service pin, but he wrangles his daughter and her friends to sell girl scout cookies to his route. I don't know what his dollars per square foot are but that El Camino can't be more than say...9 sq. feet (the cookies ride up front w/ him for quality control reasons)! We didn't even talk about the snow plow hanging off the front! A Bershire Hathaway candidate? Uncle Warren is waiting on line 2.


nice loud nasty take
as usual
doll face

yer street level
nextican undoc
can carry a hod
scrub a pan
use a texicali broom
and much else
better cheaper
and with less fuss
then most gringos
with an hs-dip

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