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Beware the bear

By Owen Paine on Saturday September 6, 2008 12:49 PM

Just as my gal Sarah is about to entrance two Americas, both the biblious and biblical, with her fiery Klondike-a-go-go unchilled Disney-like frontier charms, don't I get a call from none other than Mr Y, my man inside the inside at Foggy Bottom:

"Putin's mince-krieging of Georgia was just the beginning, Painsie m'boy -- just the preamble, the portico teaser. The big enchilada is yet to be served. The great ice bear in a jagged series of brutish gulps will swallow Ukraine -- not bit by bit like an artichoke, not leaf by leaf -- no the Rusky revanche will mean an impotent world standing by as Mother Rus slides great hunks of that rich, rough, but soft-hearted land down her throat!

"A generation of strife on the black earth of the steppes will end in a full and final devouring of a free and unequal people!

"Inevitable? Yes, eventually, what with thirty million ethnic Russians under alien yoke just outside the rim of the federation, and thirty million non-Russians similarly yoked inside. Such un-national borders can't last for ever. But for Chrissake -- the Clinton-Bush fan dance brought all this on maybe two decades ahead of itself!"


Note here a fairly accurate appraisal of uncle's sinister role in the post-Soviet revival of the Victorian great game, since Jimmy the Clip Baker faked out Senor Gorby:

[I]n 1989... the administration of the first President George Bush... convinced his Soviet counterpart, Mikhail Gorbachev, that a free Eastern Europe and a united Germany would benefit the long-term interests of Russia.

Gorbachev accepted Germany’s unification when he was assured that NATO would not be extended to the east. “Not one inch!” were the exact words of the reply made by Secretary of State James Baker.

That promise was then broken, first by the Clinton administration, and then by the son of the senior Bush, George W. Bush. Today, the American-led military alliance has been built up to the entire western frontier of Russia, from the Gulf of Finland in the north to the Black Sea.

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