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Getting better all the time

By Michael J. Smith on Saturday November 8, 2008 12:58 PM

I'm really enjoying myself these last few days. Here's the latest: Obama will apparently be continuing Clinton's and Bush's provocative forward policy with respect to Russia -- a Western imperial tic (as I've observed here repeatedly) with a 150-year history.

From Aunty Beeb:

US President-elect Barack Obama will go ahead with plans to build part of a controversial missile defence system on Polish soil, Poland has announced.

President Lech Kaczynski's office said the pledge was made during a telephone conversation between the two men.

Russia opposes the US plans, and early this week said it planned to deploy missiles on Poland's border and electronically jam the US system.

This is the first signal that Mr Obama plans to continue George Bush's policy.

During the US election campaign, Mr Obama said he wanted to review the system to build a missile defence system in central Europe to ensure it would be effective and would not target Russia.

Comments (3)

Lajany Otum:

According to the BBC:

When asked about the declaration, [Obama foreign policy advisor] McDonough said that the US president-elect had had "a good conversation" with Mr Kaczynski about the American-Polish alliance and discussed missile defence, but "made no commitment on it".

It would seem that on missile defence [sic], one or another of Obama or Kaczynski is speaking out of both sides his mouth. Any bets that it Kaczynski who is telling the truth?

Meanwhile, Russia promises to counter the US anti-missile system in Poland by stationing short range missiles in Kaliningrad.


To be honest it's probably just Kaczynski rattling Russia's cage. He might even think that saying such things aloud will make it true. I don't rule out that Obama will go ahead with it (he does have Rusophobe No 1, Joe Biden as his VP), but I think that that abortive missile defense system won't be high on his list. After all, Afghanistan beckons...


my god
the testimony of a polish re actionary

to sour freshman hope
what levels of evidence
must we dive to ...???

good emperors don't brandish
they pow wow

as to vice biden
his role in the miracle administration
ill be ....
domic transplant tragedy

Rahm E
the black bullwinkle's rocky
may on occasion use
jawin' joe
as white house rath and laff diversion
press butt
jestor of fast resort

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