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Apologies to the dead

By Owen Paine on Friday October 2, 2009 12:19 PM

From the man to watch list: the recent events in the continuing story of count Alan of Orlando, aka the Alan Grayson project, reads like a pwogged-up script from Capra/Disney productions:

YouTube URL, if the embed doesn't work:


As Salon describes it:

Grayson digs in deeper

House Republicans wanted Rep. Alan Grayson, D-Fla., to apologize for saying the GOP healthcare reform plan is "don't get sick," and if you do get sick, "die quickly." And Grayson did head back to the House floor on Wednesday to discuss his remarks -- but the apology the congressman made is probably not what his Republican colleagues had in mind.

"I would like to apologize -- I would like to apologize to the dead," Grayson said, citing a recent study that showed almost 45,000 Americans die each year in part because of a lack of health insurance.

Quite a makeover. Before, a Zorro among attack attorneys:

After, a Rob Reiner among progs:

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