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By Owen Paine on Thursday January 14, 2010 04:05 PM

My lucky charm, the People's Sellout, comes through again, this time with a real kool poser.

Follow me into the electoral strategy of my fellow Stalinoid remnants in Chile, the PCC. Round one is over and the runoff about to begin between tweedledee and tweedle... deadly? Here speaks the party's "cut-out" of a Frente:

"Our pledge during the campaign was always to raise ideas from the left, to struggle to bring down the wall of exclusion, and to prevent the right from taking power... although our program is quite different from that of Eduardo Frei, a government led by him would clearly provide greater guarantees of democracy and better conditions of struggle."
Now this is predicated on a right alternative with quite a nasty past:

Hence today's poser of the week: is our Palin party that sort of threat?

Could the Palin party in the White House abridge the great American left's "guarantees of democracy" and crumple our "conditions of struggle"?

Comments (4)

Al Schumann:

The celebrity fascination she draws is downright morbid. I feel sorry for our kneejerk hysterical liberal friends. They're doing themselves, not to mention everyone else, a lot of harm. I suppose all that merit clogging their pipes makes any kind of class politics too stressful for them to contemplate.

Phillip Allen:

But Sir! Meritâ„¢ rinses out the stains of class completely! You must have seen the advertisements.


Meritâ„¢, in fact, is a purveyor of fine (as well as coarse) abrasive products.

I have noticed that 'merit' seems to act in exactly in this fashion on Mr. Schumann.

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