But I assure you that I, Jason Ditz, am not now nor have I ever been an agent provocateur for any government, let alone the Iranian one. The fact that such a proclamation has to be made is perhaps a lesson in the absurd state of affairs for a radio station that has gone from Cold War propagandist to CIA proxy to forgotten (but still funded) ward of the government.
I laughed for a moment. What they [Radio Free Europe] did was so majestically stupid and incompetent, so gratuitously fatuous, that even the most beaten down time-serving hack would cringe with shame at being party to it. But it's not really funny. Websites lift content all the time. Link farms do it to rake in the click pennies by the basketful. Everyone with a web presence knows that. With the exception of complete newbies, there is no one in a position to claim ignorance.
Yet, Radio Free Europe tried to imply an association between an Antiwar writer and the Iranian government. Are they trying to get him hurt? Loose cannon jingoes are always a problem and in the midst of a grinding economic catastrophe their grievances burgeon.