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Our fellow mendicants over at Corrente....

By Michael J. Smith on Wednesday September 29, 2010 03:17 PM

... are conducting a fund-raiser:


Comrade Lambert actually does this blogging thing full-time, which is more than I can say, so go lend a hand. It's a fine and valuable site.

Comments (5)

And a very restricted one, too. People of good will who share 99.9% of opinions with the owner are not allowed to post there.

Carolyn Kay

As evidenced by Carolyn's repeated attempts to dissuade people from contributing to a blogger in need, "people of good will" must not mean what I thought it did.

I am a bit skeptical when it comes to such requests. How does one decide to make something like Corrente their job? The only answer I can think of is it happened because the personage in charge can afford to do so at the outset. So, why the beg-a-thon?

Corrente, like SMBIVA, is wonderful. But it ain't food or even Chomsky.


I dunno, folks. I'm a simple man. I like the site.

Al Schumann:

Loss of remunerative work is a path to blogging full time. An employed person's hobby can become an unemployed person's last resort.

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