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By Michael J. Smith on Wednesday October 6, 2010 12:29 PM

Courtesy of Mike F:

Pretty good, huh?

Of course I couldn't help noticing the sinister phrase "harness the potential of every American" right at the beginning. This notion of people as some kind of raw material or industrial feedstock is so universally accepted that nobody realizes how grotesque it is.

Comments (8)

Again, Utah Phillips comes to mind:

"You are about to be told one more time that you are America’s most valuable natural resource. Have you seen what they do to valuable natural resources?! Have you seen a strip mine? Have you seen a clear cut in the forest? Have you seen a polluted river? Don’t ever let them call you a valuable natural resource! They’re going to strip mine your soul. They’re going to clear cut your best thoughts for the sake of profit unless you learn to resist."


Harness every American.


The whole thing is sinister. "You know who I am. But somebody out there is worried now." And then the fake laughter. He thinks he's a gangster. He probably called in a Predator on the handyman.


And "you all know who I am." But really, I think he's quite nonplussed. Usually he catches these things on the fly a lot better.

Hah, ha. I kinda thought you'd dig this one, Smiff. Sadly, the camera didn't catch the seal in the act of falling, although there is a quite satisfying "clunk!" at the moment of impact.

I suppose I ought to search on YouTube to see if I can find some Obama fan's cameraphone footage shot from the seats that shows the seal dropping, but right now I'm too busy formulating a succinct pictorial analysis of last weekend's One Nation Failing Together rally.

MIchael Hureaux:

THINKS he's gangster? It doesn't get more gangster than it does where he is. But the man's ego defies description.

Disappointments in this video:

1. We missed the money shot.
2. The big round of applause when he tells his fans that they know who he is. They feel so good about that.

about the somebody sweatin' bullets back there...

could it be b/c they know obama will drone 'mericans w/o even knowing if they're guilty of anything? and somebody is definitely guilt here.

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