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Perfect consistency

By Al Schumann on Monday November 22, 2010 11:04 PM

On one score, at least, our legally inflicted and constitutionally imposed preznit has a perfect track record. Every kindly, well-meaning, hopeful person who supported him has received punishment for the effort. He doesn't personally micro-manage the punishment, but he's tireless in setting the conditions. The cool, rational big man on campus, the "no drama Obama", is unflinching in his resolve; a compleat dipshit.

Comments (2)

Paul Alexander:

I totally agree with Obama, times are tough for everybody. I mean, he may live in the White House, have a jet at his beckon call, a chef, a life of secured privilege waiting for him after he's out of office, but you've got to remember he also has people writing mean things about him. So yeah, times are tough for everybody.

Al Schumann:

Truly, it's a terrible burden for the poor fellow. I'll try for the appropriate level of humility as I write mean things about him. As the sages note, if you can't respect the man, at least respect his orifice.

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