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By Al Schumann on Sunday January 9, 2011 05:58 PM


As a public service, I've decided to add a sock puppet image to any comment on my posts from one of our known sock puppets—the same image, regardless of the puppeteer. I'm sensitive to all internet traditions, including privacy, and actually appreciate a well-conceived trolling or other form of playful mindfucking, but I dislike bores. I particularly dislike arch bores who try to be clever and can't manage it.

The image will allow people to skip to relevant comments, if they care to, while preserving the sock comments as a nod towards the open forum we like to maintain.

Update. Comments are closed.

Stan, you are the one who is stupid. You used to be interesting. Now you're a bore.

Geoff, you are actually stupider than Stan. I'll leave it at that.

Comments (8)

kind-of-relevant YouTube link

(Totally worksafe, unless you count the cigarette promo in the background.)

Milton Marx:


"Relevant" = that which conforms to groupthink.

Bill Sykes:


Why not just require a Face Book ID to comment?

Then again, I can really appreciate the big badass avatar.

You should Photoshop in a hair ornament, too, Al. Maybe a gun barrel with a daisy sticking out of it. Something retro.

Al Schumann:

That's a good idea, Ms. Xeno. Although I'm already putting in more work than I can justify, even as a public service. I'll see how this works out.

The sock puppetry has been the topic of a long running email correspondence. None of the site authors like any kind of interference with the free flow of commentary, even when it gets acrimonious. But responding in good faith to patent bad faith gets irritating and eventually boring. It also crowds out genuine disagreement. So, a little help seemed in order.

Jack, have you had to ban anyone from your page?


Not trying to cause trouble, just genuinely curious.

Wtf? I didn't write the "Jack Crow" comment. Whomever mimicked me ought to know my own policy on "banning." Which is never. Do your fucking research, clown.

...Do your fucking research, clown.



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