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Boner: Not returning Obie's calls

By Michael J. Smith on Friday July 22, 2011 09:07 PM

WASHINGTON (AP) — House Speaker John Boehner abruptly broke off talks with President Barack Obama Friday night....

"One of the questions the Republican Party is going to have to ask itself is, 'Can they say yes to anything?'" Obama said.

One might ask whether Obie's Democratic Party can say "no" to anything. I believe we all know the answer: can't, won't, doesn't want to.
The president avoided direct criticism of Boehner, although he did mention that his phone calls to the speaker had gone unreturned during the day. One administration official said the president had tried to reach Boehner four times.
How pathetic is that? LBJ would have sent MPs to Capitol Hill and told 'em to drag the guy in, rolled up in a carpet like Cleopatra. One-term wonder, and how glad I'll be to hear the last of his schoolmasterish scolding voice.

Comments (30)


I had the same reaction, S-man, and did the same search. I am old enough to recall the lovely Mari when she was in first run....


Sandy clearly has the high 50's in his head lights
They don't exhibit em like they use to
Body design trumped engineering
Novelty the classic proportion


The answer to your essential question, MJS: No He Can't!

Proposed slogan for 2012: No We Can't Because They Won't Let Us! Whaaaaaaa!!!!!

I do think we're looking at 2 terms, though. The GOP is doing their ghoulish best to assure that, and Big Money knows they've right now got a prez further to the right than Mitt.


I dunno, CZ. Apart from the tiny cadre of Kosnik faithful, et sim., a lot of the people who would ordinarily vote for Obie are going to stay home in droves, I think.


Well, at any rate, the centrist dreariness of the Mormon v the Muslim, and O-care v Mitt-care, will probably leave most Joes and Janes on the couch on election day. Quite possible the whole tedious affair will be determined by who makes scarier Medicare robocalls in the Sunshine State.

Rev. Perry might inject some flair, we can only pray.


I agree with chumcovich
Two terms ...in the bag

Better for both party cores

Mitt the corporate candidate target zero
needs to be ritually hacked to pieces like rocky in 64

The GOP base helots need to feel ersatz empowerment within the party

But fall 12 just ain't their nite there will be no ' 80 II
Not this next time

Divided gubmint is best when muddle hood is optimal
It keeps the stag
looking like a product of
Gubmint when in fact it's corporate druthers max


Though I do think Obie will score some points if he unilaterally raises the debt ceiling, thus coming to gramma's rescue.

And he'll have months to stoke the 'base' with Bagger fears.

I don't think Romney gets the nom.


Perfect corporate scenario: Divided govt, with their current 'reasonable' patron at 1600, GOP House, and the Baggers there to squeal the moment someone says the word regulation. The 'dysfunctional' status quo functions marvelously. No wonder Big Money isn't throwing cash at Mitt.

If it ain't broke --- and only looks broke --- don't fix it.


Jack: Rev Perry?


Obviously the party core with it's corporate guardians
Won't run anyone they might want later
This is a throw away candidate
Like dole in 96 or barry in 64
Each of those a throw away for different reasons
Dole too old
And juicy of eye
Barry more like John the baptist

Poop carrier pappy
Was a in the end a dole like runner
But he kept the corporate wing of the electoral machine in oiled condition

This is not going to be like Reagan ford in 76
I don't think
This time the corporate prat. Boy takes it on the chin
And the grand old party picks a real yahoo er


Yeah, Rev. Goodhair. He's got all the right markers. Plus, his ascendance would neuter Bachmann (word choice deliberate; I think the Newties didn't see her coming).

I think Mittens takes NH, but I wouldn't even lay money on it. Our Freestaters and glibertarians have gotten a lot more Jesusy, with the influx of carpetbaggers. And Romney's support is strongest among apparatchiks, not primary voters.

Still, it wouldn't matter. Not after he loses Iowa.

Plus, Nikki Haley gutted SC's state support for the GOP primary. They're going to have either do it on the cheap, or run a caucus.

That's good for Bachmann and Goodhair, not Mittens. It might go something like:

Iowa: Bachmann or Perry.
NH: Mittens, with Bachmann showing strong
Nevada: Mittens
South Carolina: Bachmann or Perry
Florida: Perry

Super Tuesday -

Alabama: Bachmann or Perry
Arkansas: Bachmann or Perry
California: Perry
Connecticut: Mittens
Delaware: Mittens
Georgia: Perry or Bachmann
Illinois: Perry
Missouri: Bachmann or Perry
Montana: Perry
New Jersey: Mittens
New York: Mittens
Oklahoma: Perry
Tennessee: Bachmann or Perry
Utah: Mittens

Of course, the corporate press will do its best to obfuscate and confuse, but I don't think primary voters, especially on the GOP side, give a rat's rotten tail about narratives.

FOX isn't going to commit to a candidate, I'd wager. Which will leave momentum with state orgs and the bundlers.

And I think that favors Goodhair.

Also, there's Texas's divided executive, to consider. Often, the Ag. Boss has more power than the governor. That's actually good for people like Perry or Bush, because it reduces the opportunities for mischief.

And his "extreme" statements aren't negatives, with the voting base in question.


Jc has given us just the sort of precise forecasting that amounts to horse race

Who can res what yahoo wins ??
Just to lose the general election to Barry

Beyond this:
As chummily pointed out
The corporates are content with Barry and a GOP dominated house
And GOP tail wagger blocking role in the senate
The only open ground
A GOP senate added to a GOP house
With the potus as. Blocker

Only open factor the house
A democrat recovery there
Ala 1948
Suggests an even wilder role for a GOP rump


It's wonderfully hard imagining the democrats re taking the house

And impossible if the pwogs were to rebel by attacking the corporate
Dembot elements in the house and challenge those dirty dogs
in the general election 2012

Of course that is far to irresponsible for the majority of pwogs


Each party has to tasks

Yes get elected but more importantly guard their flanks
Against third party challenge
No third party will emerge between the two oligops
Only to the extreme flank of each
Right now the GOP has a flank to cover
best way
Nom a yahoo

The democrat party is simply about re electing Barry
But it could cover it's flank by district level insurgence
Ie let the pwog party cut outs loose to attack blue dogs etc

Why not ?

Holding the senate hardly requires re taking the house


The irony here the center aisle core takes casualties
But hey their own direct agents are the easiest to live without
It's the sell outs to their right and left that require careful cultivation

I'm going to chime in here and just state my own preference on the debt talks.

I hope the debt talks collapse, I hope this imperial nation suffers a huge economic collapse that seriously impairs it's ability to prosecute its imperial wars around the planet. I know that the people of this nation who've done nothing to deserve it will suffer, but the people around the rest of the planet who are the targets of our imperial wars will breath a sigh of relief when the big war machine breaks down. It's too bad it's come to this but that's how I see it. The suffering of 300 million increased vs. the suffering of 6.5 billion others decreased a bit.

I'd love nothing more than to see this nation brought to its knees and suffer the worse calamities one could imagine. If that's what it takes to stop the imperial eagle then so be it.

Oh, one other thing. MJS, I loved the pic at the header of this post. That's fucking awesome man.

I've loved me some Abbot and Costello movies in my time.


DP, I understand the sentiment and would want to do nothing to discourage it. I should stop right there. But the collateral damage would be immense and spread far beyond the 300 mil, even to the very people who'd also be relieved. I could be wrong, but this is how I understand it.

Of course, what I think is irrelevant. The imperial eagle will eventually expire, either with a slow, long whimper --- which began around 1973 --- or perhaps a bang. What will happen will happen, and perhaps is happening already.

ChomskyZinn said:

"But the collateral damage would be immense and spread far beyond the 300 mil, even to the very people who'd also be relieved. I could be wrong, but this is how I understand it."

Yeah. I'm sure you're probably right.

But the machine has got to die. It just has to. The sooner the better.


Wall St simply won't allow it on Aug 2. Not a sudden implosion like that.

But the machine has been slowly breaking down and degrading since OPEC.


My oar in the water

Uncle has a long reign ahead of him
At least as long as britain's reign

Too much is placed on the eventual emergence of chindia
In my estimation they will counter each other to a certain extent no matter
How much superior the Han half may be to the Hindu half

Uncle will have the ability to weigh in to keep the Hans off balance
And btw our population relative to china's will go from 4 to one
To 2 to one in a hundred years or so
We have not yet received our full measure of the globes population
Unlike china and western Europe

Uncle has a long reign ahead of him At least as long as britain's reign
Really? How long would you say Britain's was, OP? 1740-1945? Less? More?

I realize this has absolutely jack shit to do with the subject of the epic Steel Cage Texas Debt Match between the Orange Crusher and the Centrist Smasher, but I couldn't help noticing the space suits in that picture. Those look like the same suits which were lifted from the Universal prop department for use in Cat Women Of The Moon (1953)...


...which ostensibly, unlike Abbott & Costello Go To Mars, was not a comedy -- or was, depending on how you look at it.

Sorry, just had to notice, while I was struggling to find something pithy and humorous to say about the Boner Vs. Obummer match.

Carry on.

MJS sez:
One might ask whether Obie's Democratic Party can say "no" to anything. I believe we all know the answer: can't, won't, doesn't want to.

Well, hell no, they can't say "no". The GOP is the Party Of No, don't you remember?


...because I was just thinking -- as much as I dig Abbott & Costello, you might have the wrong movie here.

The Drunken One sez on 07.23.11 @19:20:
I hope the debt talks collapse, I hope this imperial nation suffers a huge economic collapse that seriously impairs it's ability to prosecute its imperial wars around the planet. I know that the people of this nation who've done nothing to deserve it will suffer, but the people around the rest of the planet who are the targets of our imperial wars will breath a sigh of relief when the big war machine breaks down...

Thanks, man. You're reading my mind. It's nice to know I'm not the only one out here who's just itching for the debt-ceiling talks to do their very best imitation of the Columbia, and for whom August 2 can't come quickly enough.

I was walking home from the Metro the other day, and spotted an ad in a bus shelter: it was an issue ad -- I forget the organization -- Yelling at us to contact our "representatives" and let them know we can't raise the debt ceiling without huge spending cuts. The headline on this particular ad read: "Next Stop: Greece", and my first thought on seeing this was jeez, guys, you say that like it's a bad thing! I remember smiling to myself and thinking fuck yeah, time to get our Greek on! Bring it, man, fucking bring it.

Mike Said:

"Thanks, man. You're reading my mind. It's nice to know I'm not the only one out here who's just itching for the debt-ceiling talks to do their very best imitation of the Columbia, and for whom August 2 can't come quickly enough."

yeah, same here. But I have this nagging thought in my head. I keep thinking about all the governments I've seen that became so dysfunctional they couldn't run the country anymore. I'm not talking about running it well, or for the benefits of its citizens or anything, just keeping the machinery going. And a hell of a lot of those governments ceased to be. Whether by coup or some "enabling act" that left the shell of the government still present but actually gutted it like a fish or some other means. Our government is swimming around in Weimar Republic seas of ineffectuality. I wonder how long the powerful elites who run the show will continue to allow this.

I'm not making any predictions because I have no fucking idea, just noticing some historical parallels which may or may not have meaning in this present case.


I think those are good dates
The seven years war era to the end of WWII
On that basis unless Clio has accelerated her pace considerably
Suggests to me at least another 100 year run or so for uncle hedhe

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