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imaginary presidents vs base line presidents

By Owen Paine on Sunday December 4, 2011 11:15 AM

"Liberals are dissatisfied with Obama because liberals, on the whole, are incapable of feeling satisfied with a Democratic president. They can be happy with the idea of a Democratic president—indeed, dancing-in-the-streets delirious—but not with the real thing. The various theories of disconsolate liberals all suffer from a failure to compare Obama with any plausible baseline. Instead they compare Obama with an imaginary president—either an imaginary Obama or a fantasy version of a past president. "


that's the mutton headed chaitnik writin' there

the liberals begin to devour each other

such are the rations of goo goo guilt

dare we saber toothed pwogs take a bite

out of a fellow travelers hide ?

Comments (7)


Read that article. Seemed inadvertently to be a stronger case for the prosecution than for the defense.


And once '12 starts, these same liberal critics will be screaming about how we need to get behind him no matter what or the Koch brothers will eat our children. Even Obots like Mr. Chait are less annoying.

Al Schumann:

Liberals love their intramural pecking parties. Chait's cock-a-doodle-doo is a signal for all good liberals to turn their energies to party discipline. Peck, peck, peck!

Al Schumann:

CZ, indeed! His "hard-deaded realism" schtick didn't work quite the way it was supposed to. I wonder if it was written, at least in part, to appeal to egghead conservatives (e.g. David Brooks). They love tales of wooly headed, never satisfied, childishly unappeasable liberals. It gives them chortling and chuckling material.


super Al not prone to my hyperbolic hype
has the level of cross scabble correct

its pecks not bites
far more sadistic of course but nicly non fatal

peck the sickness to stir the patient

might i gainsay

the outcome is a statistical tie on my score card

unfortunately the -- in the end --
mutual pecking party
remains unresolved
by a sudden death overtime


The article neatly reviewed and catalogued all of the depravity that drive one to SMBIVA-dom. How someone could slog through the piece and say, "Great, where do I sign up?" is beyond me.

Essentially a refresher course in, well: If you're a Lefty like us, the Democrats are not your friends.


i guess my point was too simple

the pwog v pwog struggle over lesser evilism

third party alternatives
the threat of a triumphant right
blood spill rates
prison terms

level of transfers

the mix of soft and hard power politics

of compassion and sadism

pwogs are part of the establishment or they
might be if the establishment meets certain "demands" of conscience

SMBIVA is not a pwog op

that we plunge into the same movement waters with pwogs is in no way connected to
any considerations of playing by system rules

the popular front is a final stage
in the defense of the liberal state
so far as i can see the white job class majority still
lives here under liberal state rules
at least so far as and so long as
they don't make it a straregy

to "cross" the establishment

at ever turn

i trust SMBIVA ers can't find enough opporutinities to "cross" the establishment

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