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Occupy the occupiers

By Owen Paine on Thursday January 4, 2007 09:31 PM

Like any real patriot, clear on our mission, and raised on our gallant heritage of direct action, I'm a great fan of the Occupation Project:


Many incumbents, including my own Congressperson, talk for peace – even join the “Out of Iraq” Congressional Caucus – but vote for war. They must now be told in no uncertain terms the jig is up. We will no longer tolerate platitudes for peace and votes for blood. This is where we draw the line. They either vote to end the occupation of Iraq or they will be occupied.
A terrific idea, and I have nothing to add except this: since lawless resolutes indeed often show up in limited numbers, then besides targeting a few high profile jackasses like mother Clinton and Tumbleweed Harry Reid, it might make sense to aim at the real finks -- the lovey-dovey prog dems who work both sides of the street.

Elderly and timorous as I am, I'll be ready to hit my local champion, Rep. Henny Frank.

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