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Octavian America

By Owen Paine on Wednesday January 3, 2007 11:18 AM

Are we under an elected emperor already -- or can a unitary Prez be "countered" by congress and court?

As to a court counter, I can't imagine a unitary prez, with a supine congress, halting just because a court sez "you are acting in an unconstitutional manner." So it's up to Congress then.

If we are to follow C Wright Mills' lead, we can call that contest already; in a constitutional crisis , a congress so easily deadlocked couldn't pick up its own feet.

What's that? The Nixon showdown, a counterexample? I think not. Dick never pushed it to the limit. In fact he twice passed on a chance to push the limits: first, in the stolen elections of 1960, by not challenging the poll results for southwest Texas and Chicago; and second, of course, for stepping down from the presidency, instead of pulling a last stand.

Comments (1)

js paine:

great fear here

what if the prez canceled
or simply
put off
an election cycle ????

what if a prez
suspended the bill of rights???

what if the prez declared the people's will
null and void ???

just laying these stinkers out
makes me laff

full moral equivalent:

what if bill clinton
izzzzz hillary clinton ????

real name is
hilarity clinton
and real identity
and past life
is unknown
beyond an earlier hitch
a practical nurse
with no hair body
from mud lark arkansas

ya what if ???????
as merv used to say


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