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Abada abada abada...

By Michael J. Smith on Saturday August 2, 2008 11:29 PM

Interesting. The normally very eloquent and collected Obama reduced to stammering incoherence by a young black guy in Florida:

Guy can easily handle anything white folks can throw at him. But this particular barb seems to have hit a tender spot. Maybe he's more human than he appears to be.

Comments (6)

Heh. Put him under a bit of unscripted stress and he sounds just like some wandering village idiot from Texas.

Le vote ne change rien. La lutte continue!


I don't think he sounded so bad. From the way the audience acted, though, you'd think he'd hit a home run.

Don't you mean,

"Ummina, ummina, ummina..."

...as used by Jackie Gleason, in his famous "Chef Of The Future TV Commercial" scene in The Honeymooners?

I've also noticed that when confronted publicly by that approximately 5% of Black America that's actually wise to the guy and not mindlessly adoring him, he really does have a hard time.

Still, it's not as hilarious as that scene aboard the McCain Plane where, when Senator Flyboy is asked his positions on health care, there followed a silence during which you could almost hear the crickets chirping.

Michael Hureaux:

Obama vamped the room and got it back. It's a cheap trick, not terribly difficult, and any good song and dance man learns it early on. By the same token, it's not hard to get around one of Omali Yeshitela's people. They're good at shouting and not much else.


Well it's probably the first time anyone in his audience has challenged him on anything. But since he knows that the questioner will have no opportunity to give follow up questions or to challenge his statements, Obama can pretty much say anything he wants. Nice gig...

Peter Ward:

Once again a Democracy expresses his contempt for democracy--"You may not like the way I do things...tough beans!"

One could imagine Hitler saying the same to the Jews. In a democracy, it's not, "How I want to do things...", it's how the people decide things should be done.

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