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More little ducks all in a row

By Michael J. Smith on Wednesday July 19, 2006 05:03 PM

Here's Great Pwog Hope Russ Feingold on Lebanon:
U.S. Sen. Russ Feingold today defended Israel's right to protect itself... saying, "I don't think any country is going to let their soldiers be kidnapped, transported, killed ... without a serious response.... I do think Israel has not only a right but also a responsibility to respond to the Hezbollah attack."

...[H]e argued that Israel had been acting constructively in recent years and blamed Hezbollah, Iran and Syria for provoking the current crisis.

"They are facing a two-front war now, and it's a tiny country," Feingold said of Israel.

Feingold posted a statement on his Web site Friday saying, "I stand firmly with the people of Israel and their government as they defend themselves against these outrageous attacks."

Comments (3)

So that's everybody, then? No pwogwessive democrats have been left out of The Great AIPAC Sweepstakes, have they?

Tim D:

The Lebanese civilian death toll is up to what, 235 now?

Sorry to show the reactionary side of me, but honestly hanging is really too good for our members of Congress.

It is moments like these when one realizes how absolutely powerless he or she is in this world, forced to cry out in the wilderness while innocent people die grim, agonizing deaths.

If Lebanese civilians are hit by an Israeli missile and picture of the corpses aren't shown in the U.S. media, did they really die?


A DEA agent was kidnapped, tortured, and killed in Mexico. We didn't bomb Mexico City.

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