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The horse slaughterer

By Michael J. Smith on Thursday September 7, 2006 10:55 PM

Sam writes:
Here's one for "bipartisanship", don't know how it can be spun to reflect the paucity of ideas driving the donkosphere...but you'll find a way...


"The legislative push to ban horse slaughtering has been in the works for several years. But even Thursday, numerous lawmakers, including some supporters of the ban, openly criticized the House leaders' decision to bring up the bill this week while other controversial issues, such as immigration reform, have not been scheduled for votes."
Note the word "other"...so much for bipartisanship.

And when when will you have Fasc-o-Meters[tm] for sale?

No spin needed, Sam -- I think it speaks for itself. Many thanks.

Comments (1)

js paine:

i want it in the record
here at this hallowed site :

fasco metrics is not on the order of the day

and if mjs tries to make a few side door bucks
peddling his patent pending gizmo
god bless his 'noive '

at the central fasco forecast center
here in bean town
we're seeing globe wide
drop trends
no the WILL is not triumphing
not even crossing the 50 yard line

in nearly all metered locations
the fascist spirit is flag limp

we progs
in fact
oughta glorify the day
when a stolid
bow stem
of a grinfull repub prez
uses the label
to put a few extra
his Imperial serve

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