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Dracula to head blood bank

By Michael J. Smith on Friday November 24, 2006 12:39 PM


Pelosi announces Iraq 'Democratic forum'

Incoming Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has announced a "Democratic forum" on the Iraq war that will take place early next month....

"Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, Ambassador Richard Holbrooke, and Major General John Batiste will join current and new members of the Democratic Caucus in discussing options for a way forward in Iraq."

Brzezinski and Holbrooke are, of course, familiar names, names that stand high on the all-time list of gory-fanged dogs of war. Batiste is a relative newcomer, but as noted here before, he's worthy of the pantheon:
Ille deum vitam accipiet divisque videbit
Permixtos heroas et ipse videbitur illis.
Fresh blood, as the Count would say -- a phrase which, in this context, has unfortunately more than one application.

Comments (6)

Jesus Reyes:

Pelosi is putting together the "internationalist" forum to fight off neocons Rahmbo, Hoyer and the dogs of war over at the DLC.

Sorry, gang, but that link you're citing seems to have gone 404.

You know, I've often wondered whether or not it'd be worthwhile to save any links we feel might be "disappeared" by printing them to .pdf and making them available at one's own site.

Sorry, that's it. No embittered, sarcastic and bleakly amusing Disaffected Late Boomer ranting. Just a busted link alert.


Mike F -- link has been fixed. Error on my part.

js paine:

even more to the point
nan et rahmbo

"... nec magnos metuent armenta leones"

js paine:

"No embittered, sarcastic and bleakly amusing Disaffected Late Boomer ranting. "

mike as a penultimate early boomer
please give with the rant
double order of yer famous
bleak sarcastic sauce please....

oh ya and
put the bittter on the side

you know we boomers want it our way

js paine:

this batiste is a very special piece of work
he can give Zbig and the Hole
both a run for the roses

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