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Wheeere's... Johnnie?

By Owen Paine on Friday January 26, 2007 05:03 PM

Here's a hot potato to toss in Jury Johnny E's union maid of a lap:


It's about Smithfield Food's full-court union bust, complete with undoc raids and all the shapes and sizes of class struggle in post 9/11 America, and its epicenter is right in Johnnie's home state:

On Wednesday, January 24, agents of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, (ICE) staged a raid of the largest pork processing plant in the world -- Smithfield Food's massive operation in Tar Heel, North Carolina. This plant has been the site of intense struggle throughout the last year, with over a thousand workers striking in November against the firing of undocumented workers. According to the first press reports, this raid arrested 21 workers -- in a plant where the federal authorities are demanding the firing of over 600 workers for being undocumented.
Sorry this article is by 'narrow sectarians' but hey, I take it where I find it.

Comments (4)

owen p:

meanwhile back in the corporate big time press
here's what the wash post
saw fit to write about Smithfield Foods...

"Largest Pork Processor to Phase Out Crates
Va.-Based Smithfield to End Practice of Keeping Pregnant Pigs in Small Cages"


some times its easier
being green and warm

royal we:

it occurs to me smithfield
can lease those
idled crates to the migra

they're after all still very usable

to ...
ship undocs home in ...


Ship them HOME, royal? They mirght be terrists! They ain't going anywhere-they will just "disappear". We need to house them somewhere, and the crates can be used as "living modules" for the dangerous criminals captured by our valiant security forces.

royal we:

brian now rendition
has a new meaning....

as both
the domestic hog cutting
and wild wog catching
industrial complex blend together

gloss :
new use of wog

(W)orthy (O)ver-the-boarder (G)entleman

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