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Nunc dimittis

By Michael J. Smith on Wednesday November 5, 2008 10:21 PM

Couldn't have asked for a better Guy Fawkes Day present: Rahm Emanuel as chief of staff in the Obama administration. Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace.

Rahm is an old favorite here at SMBIVA: not just a Clinton hatchet man, but an actual Israeli, to all intents and purposes, whether or not the guy has a Promised Land passport in a hidey-hole somewhere.

Rahm's dad was in the Irgun, Rahm himself flew back to the Heimat during the first Iraq war and served in the Israeli army (as some kind of unenlisted civilian volunteer, he says), and he was and has remained a stalwart promoter of the second and still ongoing Iraq war.

Don't look for any constructive developments anywhere between the Euphrates and the Nile with this ghoul roaming the White House corridors.

Nice to see that Mr Change And Hope is living up -- very quickly indeed -- to our low expectations of him.

Comments (3)


At least he's not made us put with the "sigh-ops" that are a specialty of New Jersey born Israeli Army Major Michael Oren.

Michael Hureaux:

Yeah, no grass is gonna grow under the Golden Child's feet, that is for sure. Emannuel for Consigliere. The streets will flow red with blood.


according to " my deep source"
rahm is a zionic token
a mere trophy aide

should we beware
this uninducted co conspirator ???...nahhhh

'but Ops ' u cry ' he's so keyly placed'

nonsense nieces and nephews

best stash a powerless token
right out there
on the ships bow

chief of staff is for greeting
rights frights and chosen lobby-ites

never fear Obi (1)
will keep the mini mes'
well pressed
under his magic black thumb

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