Please, Sir, I want… a bit less? I didn’t make this up:
Rumors are circulating that President Obama is planning to appoint Larry Summers to replace Ben Bernanke as head of the Federal Reserve. This would be a terrible mistake…. Join The Nation in imploring President Obama not to appoint Larry Summers.
Much to enjoy here, but I will confine myself one observation: If Obie appoints that cannibal Summers to the Fed, it most certainly won’t be a ‘mistake’. In fact it will be business — and I do mean business — as usual.
the kill larry
i’m yelling for yellen
contra temps
reminds me of …
the out cry among pwogs
to dump poor hill and go for barry
larry has a dollar bill between his legs
but janet has two dollars in change up her …
Imploring Obama: is that sufficiently humble? I think that we have to beseech him.
Supplicate. Embrace his knees and supplicate.
I can picture vanden Huevel doing that. I can picture her doing a lot more in a BD/SM way but this is a family blog.
I don’t think Obie would go for it. Nixon might have broken a sweat over the prospect — even Clinton might have, though his tastes seem to have been rather unimaginative. But my read on the hypercontrolled Obie is that his id is safely locked away in some oubliette of the soul.
I’d go straight to begging, but I guess that’s undignified. And pointless to boot.
Anyone who looks like the Icon in the lead photo is -destined- to become Fed Head. Yellen appears/sounds to be just one more overly politicized neolib [which, of course, Larry is as well but w/Special Harvard training,,,,,then as well she has ‘a thing’ about negative interest rates, so to Senor Larry, but only sometimes.
Oh Well
Oh Well
The Capital System
Fades Into Deeper Uncontrollability
Did Not Have To Be Look To Mongolia
”Do you want Janet Yellen or Lawrence Summers to be the next Fed President and Why?”
One quote from above —
”I like doves, but this is too much. Wall Street loves her too because of the gender and dems get to appoint another “new appointee” who’d be the first female Federal Reserve Chairperson. It is political theatre in a way, but I believe Summers has better analytical skills than Yellen, who appears more as an Ivy League Trained Life Long Government Bureaucrat, than an Ivy League President and key Presidential Economic Advisor.”
I know this is kind of a silly question, but am I the only one here who initially mis-read that headline as “Join The Nation In Imploding”?
It doesn’t matter who runs the Fed anyway. The elites know the days of being able to grow our economy out of the last mess they’ve created through financial shenanigans are over forever. You could pick a clown to run the Fed and we’ll get the same results.
There’s a reason why elites keep picking austerity as the policy of choice for our times. They have no other choice to make.
So, somewhat OT – Yes, I know Kerry chose Illinois state senator obie to deliver the 2004 DNC keynote address,,,but -who- allowed/told Kerry to do this??
Differently, who was involved in choosing the Democratic Party’s ’08 candidate for pres. earlier -I expect- than 2004 ?
Slightly similar with GW when Shultz put his arm around his shoulder at a Texas presentation.
The old PRI in Mex. used to do same but more overtly.