

This just in:

Hillary Clinton on Monday broke from President Barack Obama in referring to the terrorist attack as “radical Islamism,” countering Donald Trump’s accusations that both she and Obama are weak on tackling terrorist threats.

… Trump quickly claimed credit on Twitter for Clinton’s use of the term. “I have been hitting Obama and Crooked Hillary hard on not using the term Radical Islamic Terror. Hillary just broke-said she would now use!” he said.

Clinton’s comments on Monday mark an evolution for her. After the San Bernardino terrorist attack, Clinton in December said she was fine using “radical jihad” but was not fond of using the term “radical Islam.”

She really is utterly shameless, isn’t she? Dog-faced, as Homer puts it.

I feel sure that Trump is correct in taking credit. I daresay this is what the campaign will turn out to be: Hillary calling Donald names, with increasingly hysterical vehemence, and at the same time tailing after him on every point of substance and symbolism. The Clintons invented this strategy, and gave it its name: ‘triangulation’.

2 thoughts on “κυνῶπις

  1. Much like her approach to Sanders in the primary – undermine the opponent while appropriating his message; an anthropomorphized empty signifier gathering up other signifiers, which are then themselves emptied. I can understand how someone who can’t distinguish between attacks from the left and attacks from the right (like a myopic Clintonian center-rightist) could take this approach; all positions appear interchangeable when you only see yours and not-yours. What gets me is how non-politicians don’t immediately recognize this as nonsense. Obviously they don’t, however, since the Clintons have careers.

  2. Happy Terror Tuesday!

    it’s hard for me to feel grief at these kinds of events because the response of the politicos is guaranteed to be more traumatic, violent, repressive, full of idiotic bluster, than the event itself.

    here’s HRC: weapons of war have no place on our streets. (from walsh at counterpunch yesterday.) no, she’s not swearing off the 1033 program to militarize the police. of course not. don’t be ridiculous. and, as walsh points out, weapons of mass killing are perfectly acceptable on the streets of the duskier, esp. oil-bearing, tribes.

    OT, but another connection b/n the Clintons & Trump: they are both BFF’s to pedophile pander to the pols, Jeffrey Epstein.

    if ever the world is to be again flooded, like the Netherlands, to kill off its rats…

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